Marcus Tullius Cicero: The Rise, Reign, and Ruin of an Oratorical Legend

Cesar Pescuma
17 min readMay 11, 2024

Marcus Tullius Cicero, a name synonymous with eloquence and the brilliance of Rome’s oratorical tradition, was born in 106 BCE in the modest town of Arpinum, now known as Arpino, Italy. From these humble beginnings, Cicero emerged as a monumental figure in the Roman Republic, mastering the art of rhetoric and leaving an indelible mark on history through his philosophical works, engaging letters, and pivotal role in the political arena amid key figures like Julius Caesar, Pompey, Brutus, and Mark Antony. His life and career unfolded during a critical juncture in Roman history, navigating the turbulent waters of the Republic’s final years and the rise of the Roman Empire. Cicero’s contributions to political philosophy, his passionate defense of the republic’s ideals, and his efforts to uphold justice through tumultuous times underline the enduring relevance of his legacy.

This article charts the trajectory of Cicero’s remarkable journey from a young scholar in Sicily to his ascent as the Republic’s most celebrated orator, navigating through his consulship, notable battles of wit with Julius Caesar, complex relationships with the Triumvirate, and his philosophical quests for truth. We will delve into his eloquent letters, explore…

